Investors |
- Financial performance
- Governance
- Annual Reports
- Investor Relations site of the company website
- Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM)
- Investor Conference
- Disclose the company’s financial performance through the MOPS and the annual report, and review and analyze operational status and data.
- Hold meetings of shareholders regularly to present the company’s operational performance to investors and to reply to the problems the concern them.
- Hold investor conferences regularly to present the company’s operational performance to investors and to reply to the problems the concern them.
Employees |
- Employee benefits
- Talent attraction and retention
- Employee Welfare Committee
- Education and training
- Orientation training for newcomers
- Employee suggestion box
- Provide fair opportunities for employment without impartiality and discrimination.
- Establish a well-planned compensation and welfare system to offer employees fair pay and rewards.
- Organize various types of education and training activities irregularly to sharpen the professional competencies of employees.
- Offer orientation training for newcomers
Customers |
- Customer relationship management
- Supply chain management
- Customer satisfaction questionnaire
- Phone, Email
- Various types of sales meetings
- Customer satisfaction, problem-solving procedure, quality management, and discussion meetings of targeted topics.
Media |
- /E-mail Company website/Email
- Announce operational information monthly and information on related achievements and the direction of development irregularly.
Suppliers |
- Supply chain management
- Supplier management
- Procurement contracts
- Onsite audit of new suppliers
- Continue to promote the green supply chain, request and help suppliers to pass the certification of quality management system, control raw material use, and ensure their products and materials meet our green product requirements.
Community |
- Stakeholder Communication
- /E-mail Company website/Email
- Establish EHS-related SOPs, ES communication and participation methods, and maintain a good relationship with community residents.
Government Departments |
- Governance
- Corporate social Responsibility
- Government documents
- Seminar participation
- Actively participate in seminars and conferences held by competent authorities
Non-Governmental Organizations |
- Art and cultural activities
- Volunteer promotion
- Social welfare promotion
- /E-mail Company website/Email
- Actively participate in activities relating to volunteer promotion
- Periodically donate to social welfare organizations and promote educational, art, and cultural activities.